



World gets its first gay leader (by the Independent)
The first government collapse of the global economic crisis is about to yield the world's first openly-gay leader. Johanna Sigurdardottir, a former air hostess, is expected to be sworn in as Iceland's Prime Minister by the end of the week.
The 66-year-old politician lives with her partner, Jonina Leosdottir, a journalist and playwright. The couple were joined in a civil ceremony in 2002. Don't expect them to show up togetherfor photocalls, however – that's not the Icelandic way. Though she is famous across the island, having been a top politician for years, her lesbian union was no big deal in this calmly progressive nation of only 300,000 people.

日本でも、民主党から尾辻かな子氏(前大阪府議)が、前回の参議院選挙に出馬していました。また同性愛とは性格を異にしますが、性転換して男性から女性になった上川あや氏(世田谷区区議)もいますので、日本の政治も性的マイノリティーの権利拡大には、一定の希望が持てます。アメリカでは、ニュージャージー州で、Jim McGreevey氏という知事が以前にいました(同性愛の恋人関連のスキャンダルで2004年に辞任)し、Barney Frank下院議員(マサチューセッツ州第4区選出)とか、Tammy Baldwin下院議員(ウィスコンシン州第2区)とかいます。小選挙区の選挙で、同性愛者の候補者が選ばれているのです。

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